Title: Application of Metacognition Strategies and Awareness when Reading Texts
In a reading process, comprehending a text would be the major aim of the reader. The ability to comprehend is normally associated with students’ field of study at tertiary levels. Some students face difficulty in developing comprehension while reading the text and they also find it difficult to apply specific reading strategy. This research is conducted to examine the perspective of university students regarding text comprehension by using a qualitative research approach. Eight students enrolled in the bachelor of education programme participated in this study as respondents. Data were collected through interviews, document analysis, and observation. The findings indicate that students have various metacognition perspectives to interpret comprehension ability of a text. The differences in this perspective are also influenced by the application of reading strategies, the level of text difficulty, type of text and students’ perception of the texts read.
Keywords: Metacognition, Reading Strategies
The International Journal of Learning, Volume 17, Issue 3, pp.457-472. Article: Print (Spiral Bound). Article: Electronic (PDF File; 697.818KB).
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