Yahya Othman, PhD
ABSTRACT (full article)
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in language teaching and learning is among considered suitable with the current education needs. However, the issue is regarding how far do teachers master the concept of computer-aided language learning, their skills in performing teaching by using ICT, mastery level as well as the constructions faced by the teachers. Therefore, this research is intended to examine the issues stated above. The research sample consisted of 87 Malay language teachers who were randomly selected around the Hulu Langat District in Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. In this survey research, questionnaires were used to collect the relevant data. The research findings show that the computer-aided language teaching concept is being understood in various dimensions. In terms of training, most of the respondents have already attended basic computer courses. However, the courses related to teaching material preparation using multimedia, the usage of internet and website design are given less attention. The use of computer in Malay language teaching is able to increase students’ ability to master Malay language better. Therefore, aspects such as in-service training, preparation of interactive learning materials, encouraging the use of internet in teaching as well as preparing suitable technology with current situation are required to be given attention.
Key words: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), language teaching and learning, teachers’ perspectives, and students’ ability.
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